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generation wealth through investment jewellery

Generational Wealth Through Investment Jewellery

When financial security and building wealth for future generations are concerns, individuals are constantly seeking ways beyond traditional investments like stocks and real estate. One such avenue that has gained popularity over recent years is investment jewellery. Beyond its aesthetic appeal, jewellery possesses unique characteristics that make it an attractive option for those looking to preserve and grow wealth over generations.

Understanding Investment Jewellery

Investment jewellery refers to pieces of jewellery that are acquired not only for their ornamental value but also with the intention of preserving and growing wealth over time. Unlike fashion jewellery, which tends to follow trends and may depreciate in value, a jewellery investment typically retains or appreciates in value over the long term. This is due to various factors that drive its value, making it a tangible and potentially lucrative asset. As well as the investment value, jewellery allows for the investment to be a physical asset and enjoyed unlike stocks which are digital investments and have no emotional value. 

Factors Driving the Value of Investment Jewellery 

Several factors can contribute to the value of investment jewellery and can change over time:

  • Rarity: The scarcity of certain gemstones, metals, or craftsmanship techniques can significantly enhance the value of a piece of jewellery. Rare diamonds, coloured gemstones, and limited-edition designs often command premium prices in the market.
  • Quality: The quality of materials used and the craftsmanship involved play a crucial role in determining the value of jewellery. Pieces crafted with high-quality gemstones, precious metals, and superior workmanship tend to appreciate in value over time.
  • Historical Significance: Jewellery with a rich history or provenance often carries added value. Pieces associated with famous designers, historical figures, or significant events can fetch premium prices at auctions and among collectors.
  • Market Demand: Consumer preferences and trends influence the market demand for certain types of jewellery. Designs that resonate with current tastes and lifestyles may experience increased demand, driving up their value.
  • Economic Conditions: Economic factors such as inflation, currency fluctuations, and geopolitical instability can impact the value of jewellery as a tangible asset. During times of economic uncertainty, investors may seek refuge in physical assets like gold and high-quality jewellery, thereby driving up their value. However in times where people have reduced disposable income, they might not be looking to spend money on luxury items like jewellery and therefore the value may temporarily decrease.

Best investment jewellery

When considering investment jewellery, certain types of jewellery tend to perform better in terms of value retention and appreciation. Diamonds are renowned for their enduring value and timeless appeal. High-quality diamonds with excellent cut, colour, clarity, and carat weight (known as the diamond 4Cs) are highly sought after by investors and collectors alike. Similarly, rare and vibrant coloured gemstones such as rubies, sapphires, and emeralds can command premium prices due to their scarcity and unique beauty. Coloured gemstones with exceptional colour saturation, clarity, and size are particularly prized.

Jewellery crafted by renowned designers or from iconic periods such as Art Deco or Retro styles often appreciate in value due to their aesthetic appeal and historical significance. Vintage pieces with provenance and authenticity can fetch premium prices at auctions and among collectors. Branded jewellery especially limited edition pieces also some of the best investment jewellery. Luxury brands such as Fabergé tend to appreciate in value and are fabulous investment pieces while also allowing for a physical asset with a rich history that can be passed down through generations. As a Fabergé jewellery stockist in the west midlands, we have a range of high value beautiful Fabergé jewellery and Objets including limited edition pieces.  

faberge jewellery for investment

How to select Investment Jewellery

When selecting investment jewellery, it's essential to consider the quality, rarity, provenance, long-term appeal and diversification.


Prioritise pieces crafted with high-quality materials such as certified gemstones and precious metals. Insist on reputable certifications and authentication for added assurance of quality and authenticity.


Look for jewellery featuring rare gemstones, limited-edition designs, or unique craftsmanship techniques that enhance its scarcity and collectability. 


Pieces with documented provenance, historical significance, or association with renowned designers or celebrities often carry added value and appeal to collectors.

Long-Term Appeal

Choose designs that possess timeless elegance and enduring appeal, transcending transient fashion trends. Classic designs with versatility and wearability tend to retain value over time. 


Diversify your investment jewellery portfolio by selecting pieces across different categories, such as diamonds, coloured gemstones, and precious metals, to mitigate risks and maximise potential returns.

Emotional Meaning

As well as picking your investment jewellery for its value and appreciation, you should also consider its emotional value. Family heirloom jewellery usually has meaning to the family such as a great grandparent’s wedding ring. If you’re planning to pass down your investment jewellery to help increase generational wealth, consider pieces that have meaning like jewellery that relates to the heritage of the family and is passed down on every generation’s firstborn’s 18th birthday.  

Is jewellery a good investment?

The question of is jewellery a good investment ultimately depends on various factors, including individual preferences, financial goals, and market conditions. While jewellery can offer diversification benefits and potential appreciation over the long term, it's essential to approach it as part of a well-rounded investment strategy rather than relying solely on it for wealth accumulation. Investing in jewellery can be highly rewarding with rare and vintage pieces appreciating over time however the market changes all the time and you aren’t guaranteed to get a return in your investment. It is always recommended to do market research and understand what you’re looking to purchase before committing to a piece of jewellery for investment.

is jewellery a good investment

Preservation and Maintenance of Investment Jewellery 

To preserve the value of your investment jewellery, follow these preservation and maintenance tips to help ensure the value is retained over time. Clean your jewellery regularly using gentle cleaning solutions and soft brushes to remove dirt, oils, and residues that can dull its appearance. Proper Storage can help to maintain our jewellery. Store your jewellery in a cool, dry place away from direct sunlight and humidity to prevent tarnishing, discolouration, and damage. It is also recommended to periodically have your investment jewellery inspected by reputable jewellers or gemmologists to assess its condition, identify any potential issues, and recommend necessary repairs or maintenance. Obtain insurance coverage for your investment jewellery to protect against loss, theft, or damage. Ensure that your insurance policy accurately reflects the current market value of your jewellery to facilitate smooth claims processing and protect you in case of any unforeseen circumstances.

Do you pay inheritance tax on jewellery?

Inheritance tax, also known as estate tax or death duty, may be applicable on inherited jewellery passed down to heirs depending on various factors such as the total value of the estate, local tax laws, and exemptions or deductions available as gifts given less than 7 years before the individual’s passing may still be taxed. It's advisable to consult with a qualified tax advisor or estate planner to understand the potential tax implications of transferring jewellery wealth to future generations and explore strategies for minimising tax liabilities.

Strategies for Passing Down Jewellery Wealth to Future Generations

When planning for the intergenerational transfer of jewellery wealth, consider the following strategies:

  • Incorporate jewellery assets into your overall estate planning strategy, including wills, trusts, and beneficiary designations, to ensure smooth and tax-efficient transfer to heirs according to your wishes.
  • Obtain professional appraisals and documentations for your investment jewellery to establish its value and provenance, facilitating transparent and equitable distribution among heirs.
  • Engage in open and honest discussions with family members about your intentions regarding the transfer of jewellery wealth, addressing any concerns or preferences to promote harmony and understanding.
  • Provide education and guidance to heirs regarding the significance, value, and care of the jewellery assets they will inherit, empowering them to make informed decisions and preserve family legacy.

Final thoughts 

Investment jewellery offers a unique opportunity to build and preserve generational wealth through tangible assets that combine aesthetic beauty with value. By understanding the factors driving the value of jewellery, selecting high-quality pieces, preserving and maintaining them effectively, and implementing strategic planning for intergenerational transfer, you can leave a lasting legacy for future generations. Whether as a store of value or a symbol of heritage, investment jewellery continues to remain a popular way of building generational wealth.

Discover our jewellery collection including gemstone jewellery, engagement rings, and luxury jewellery such as Fabergé Jewellery, Yoko London & WOLF. Feel free to contact us if you have any questions or visit us in the Birmingham Jewellery Quarter and see our collection in person. 

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